Building Sustainable Partnerships
When we first met the POW team, it was a true meeting of the minds moment - the enthusiasm for the outdoors, passion for progress, and willingness to go the extra mile immediately cemented our interest in working together. We had been working on some creative ways to dramatically lower our carbon footprint as a result of certifying Carbon Neutral and knew that the POW team was the perfect ally to nerd out with.
One thing led to another, we told POW that the wastewater produced from our California dyeing partner, creates less than 1% of the traditional water waste, and BOOM we were brainstorming the full line you see today... And this is just the start.
Ethical Production: Walking the Sustainability Talk
If ever there was a way to support imperfect progress, this might be it. Localized production (meaning everything is produced within 10 miles), recycled polyester and organic cotton, factories meeting California emission and labor standards, and nearly negligible water waste from dyeing. This collection walks the walk and embodies the values that POW lives.